A Berkshire-based author has delved into the world of online scams, romance fraud, and other seedy underworld activities for his latest novel.

‘The Wife Before Last’ is the latest book by thriller writer David Palin, based in Bracknell.

Published this week (May 23) by Matthew James Publishing, ‘The Wife Before Last’ explores themes of deceit, revenge, and survival in our increasingly connected, online-centric, world.

“The internet is a treasure chest full of such opportunities for multiple identities, but it can also be Pandora’s Box,” says Palin.

Written in part during the pandemic, ‘The Wife Before Last’ was inspired by the connection and division that occurred during that time, twisted through the author’s trademark dark and psychological, lens.

“The all-pervasive influence of technology is shown as unavoidable, but a double-edged sword,” says the author.

He adds: “Figuratively, lockdown, during which time I put much of this story together, added to that feeling of humanity divided.”

Filled with twists and turns, ‘The Wife Before Last’ will have readers questioning everything and everyone.

The book centres around a master manipulator, Marcus, who uses the internet to target and scam unsuspecting women for thousands of pounds — a scenario that is all too common in today’s society.

However, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and Marcus’ web of lies and deception could also be his undoing.

‘The Wife Before Last’ by David Palin is published on May 23rd and is available in paperback from Amazon, Waterstones, and all good bookshops. A digital version is also available on Kindle.