A brand-new coffee shop has opened in Newbury much to the delight of residents. 

BrewBlood, situated on Batholomew Street, recently opened its doors and is ran by couple Elton Wai and Olivia Cheung. 

Both being Hong Kong nationals, the pair moved to Newbury a few years ago and fell in love with the town as they found everyone so welcoming.

"We've been open for almost two weeks now," Olivia said. "We do receive a lot of queries for why we decided to call the coffee shop BrewBlood. 

"People have said they thought it might be a tattoo shop! It's actually a word play on 'blue blood.' Some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, me and Elton were born to make great coffee and cakes!"

Olivia expressed how it had always been a dream of hers to run her own café, but this would have been too expensive in Hong Kong.

She said that since opening their doors on the busy Newbury high street she has been overwhelmed with love and support from the local community. 

"We are so grateful. We could be busier, but as a new business it has been really good and has really exceeded my expectation," she said. 

"We are very thankful for that."

Olivia's role within the running of the café is the pastry chef and managing the other eats BrewBlood offers. 

Elton's speciality is coffee, so he is in charge of all the hots drinks. 

"He is really incredible in doing coffee," Olivia said. "We don't want to be just another coffee shop, we want to have our own individuality.

"We want to bring the best coffee to Newbury, or at least the coffee we love to share with people." 

Olivia and Elton always had the desire to open a coffee shop in Hong Kong but it had always stayed a dream previously. 

Three years ago they moved from Hong Kong to the UK and came to Newbury around a year and a half ago. 

"We just started looking for a unit to open our own coffee shop," Olivia said. "We knew we wanted to do this in Newbury as the people are so lovely here.

"We found this place two months ago and we are just thought how perfect it was, and we just said to each other that we were going to give it a go and I'm so happy that we did."