Sparks must have been flying off the knitting needles of Ann Way, member of the Inner Wheel Club of Reading Maiden Erlegh as, with some help from fellow member Gerry Luckhurst, she succeeded in knitting 100 baby hats for the maternity unit of the Royal Berkshire Hospital.  

The beautiful small knitted hats came in a whole variety of colours, some pink, some green, a few purple ones, and some blue ones. 

Both Ann and Gerry had a superb times knitting all the little hats for babies, and are photographed here just behind their 100 multi coloured beanies. 

Why 100 hats?   Because ‘100 for 100’ is an initiative to find unusual ways of celebrating this very special centenary year.  

For this instance, The Inner Wheel Club decided to celebrate by knitting the hats for the babies at the Royal Berkshire Hospital.

The Inner Wheel organisation began in the UK in 1924 and is now one of the largest organisations for women with over 100,000 members in more than 103 countries, with membership open to all women since April 2012.

The Inner Wheel Club of Reading Maiden Erlegh meets at Sonning Golf Club on the third Thursday evening of every month and welcomes new members to join in the fun, take part in activities, raise funds for charity and support the local community.  

Their website has more information about their club and the Inner Wheel organisation in general.  

Or alternatively you can email them at

They always welcome new members.