Network rail has responded to concerns about trapped pigeons under one of its bridges. 

The organisation said that the issue is becoming relatively frequent, and that they are coming up with measures to stop further incidents. 

Several of the birds have become stuck in the grating under the bridge by the Medusa Lodge on Abattoirs Road. 

Charlotte Hoyle, a concerned member of the public who first noticed these trapped pigeons, said "It has come to my attention that a group of birds, specifically pigeons, has become trapped behind netting under a bridge in Reading.

"Network Rail is the one responsible for this inhumane cruelty, and it is believed they do this up and down the country.

"As a compassionate community, I believe it is our responsibility to intervene and ensure the safety and well-being of these innocent creatures."

Network Rail has responded to these concerns and has said that they will be attending the site to free the pigeons as soon as possible.

They said "We’re exploring ways to stop birds becoming trapped here in the future, and also ask that local businesses and the council work with us on any proposals – including removing local food sources such as open bins and rubbish which attract the birds to this location.”