THE regeneration of the Minster Quarter has reached a major milestone with the announcement of the Council’s development partner to transform the key Reading town centre site.

Following a detailed procurement process, Reading Borough Council has selected McLaren Living to drive forward and deliver the exciting new £250 million ‘Minster Quarter Central’ scheme, which could include:

  • Over 600 new homes, 30% of which will be affordable homes across a range of tenures, including affordable social rent and affordable private rent
  • 40,000 sq. m of new commercial space including new workspace, retail, food and beverage, and a 102-bed hotel, to help drive forward the local economy
  • New high-quality public spaces, including a new ‘Hexagon Square’ as a generous functional and attractive civic space, designed as a gateway to Reading’s iconic Hexagon Theatre and new Studio Theatre.
  • Generating a significant number of new local jobs post-construction and a brand-new community hub, providing a base from which to host a range of community activities


The proposals will aim to deliver a thriving mixed-use community, incorporating a positive street scene and places for people to shop, eat and enjoy Reading's thriving arts and culture.

Current plans include re-provision of space for the Charter Market on Hosier Street, and an improvement of its setting with new public realm surrounding the landmark Reading Minster.

Proposals also include the regeneration of Dusseldorf Way, creating a key new boulevard with further street trees and places to sit.

Over the next decade, neighbouring landowners plan to bring forward a series of schemes. These include the redevelopment of Thames Valley Police Station, Broad Street Mall, Magistrates Court investment and the Council’s own exciting plans to create a cultural campus with the Hexagon Theatre and new studio theatre extension, made possible through Levelling Up Fund funding.

Reading Borough Council Leader Councillor Jason Brock said:

“The regeneration of the Minster Quarter represents an unprecedented opportunity to deliver one of the best located mixed-use development opportunities in the UK, right in the heart of Reading town centre.

"Our key aims throughout have been to secure desperately needed affordable housing for Reading, high quality public realm and a net zero development, in line with our wider net-zero ambitions.

"The Council has secured this landmark £250 million investment in economic, environmental and community benefits for the local population."

Managing Director McLaren Living Matthew Biddle said:

"We are extremely proud to have been selected to deliver Minster Quarter and look forward to working with Reading Borough Council to regenerate this key town centre site.

"Our ambition is to create a new mixed-use neighbourhood which transforms this historic part of the town, bringing new public realm, much-needed new homes, high-quality employment space and enhances the Hexagon Theatre.

"We already have a strong presence in the area, and we are committed to working with local stakeholders to deliver a new community for all and enhance the great town of Reading.”

Blue Collar, who manage the Hosier Street Market, are to remain on the site until the land is required for development. Options for future relocation are being explored.