A main that burst this morning caused water to gush into the houses of residents in the area.

Zoe Carter, 34, of Brunswick Street, said that she noticed the flood when she heard from outside her downstairs flat a car go by that sounded like it was driving through water.

The flood was caused by a burst water main on Bath Road by Coley Avenue in Reading, in the early hours of Friday December 8.  

Upon looking out the window, Ms Carter saw that the road was completely flooded and said that the water was very high.

“I opened my front door and the water just started coming in,” she said. “It was coming in from the back door too.”

Ms Carter said that at the worst point, the water was a couple of inches deep in her flat.

“If it wasn’t for the fire brigade it would have been a lot worse,” she said. “They helped drain the water out.”

Ms Carter said that the flat next door had their electricity supply cut off and that the carpets are still drenched in her place.

She said: “The council has put a humidifier in to help with the water left, and Thames Water are doing what they can to repair.”