Over 150 volunteers have taken part this week in packing hundreds of toys for the Toys and Teens charity appeal.

Toys and Teens manager Ms Laura Windisch explained how a church hall was kindly gifted to them so they could get all their donations from the different checkpoints together.

“We are sorting and checking the toys for quality,” she said. “Most of the stuff is new, then we sort them into various age categories.”

The inside of the hall was full to the brim with toys for all ages, each siting beneath a signpost for a variety of age groups. These included girls 14+ and boys 0–2.

The volunteers then pack sacks each with ten toys in. These include a number of “big” presents for Christmas, five books, and a variety of games.

Each one of the sacks is for five children, and they are then distributed to schools who give them to parents and carers who can wrap the gifts ready for Christmas.

“It takes a week to sort through all the toys,” Ms Windisch said. “By the end, we will have packed about 700 sacks for 2500 children.

“The people of Reading are incredible, they have donated so much.”

Mayor of Reading Councillor Tony Page said: “I am extremely impressed at the amount of effort that has gone into this record-breaking year for Toys and Teens.”

“I am grateful to all the volunteers who have given up their time, it is very impressive.”