DRONE images taken over the weekend show progress has been made on the construction of a new secondary school in Reading.

The River Academy is currently being built in Richfield Avenue near the Rivermead Leisure Centre and the Reading Festival site on the southbank of the Thames.

Once complete, a total of 1,500 pupils will be educated at the school, including special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) provision and 300 places for sixth form students.

The school is set to be run by the Maiden Erlegh Trust, which currently runs three secondary schools a primary school and two special education institutions in the area.

The River Academy was given outline planning approval in June 2022.

At the time, there were hopes that the school could open in September this year.

However, the project completion date appears to have changed as the Maiden Erlegh Trust is seeking the funding to enable opening for September 2024.