HAVE you ever wanted to know how many people have the same surname as you?

If you surname is Brown, Taylor or Wilson then you might be more common then you think as these surnames are very popular in Berkshire.

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The News has compiled a revealed a list of all the top 10 surnames in Berkshire and how many people have them, according to data registry website Forebears.

The site has looked at the most common last names in the UK and then they are broken down by county.

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So far, the latest data available on the website is from 2014.

Is your surname among the most common in Berkshire? Find out below:

  1. Smith - 8,636
  2. Jones - 1,333
  3. Taylor - 3,770
  4. Brown - 4,334
  5. Williams - 4,187
  6. Wilson - 2,179
  7. Johnson - 2,408
  8. Davies - 2,750
  9. Patel - 1,391
  10. Robinson - 1,787