THE Lib Dem opposition has been left red-faced after attacking Labour for scrapping student waste collections - because the decision was taken while they were still running the council.

Lib Dem councillors have even launched a petition against the removal of end of the academic year pick-ups when students move out of the Reading University area.They are accusing the new Labour administration of failing to consult the public over the changes.

But Reading Borough Council spokesman Oscar Mortali confirmed this week the decision was taken by its Streetcare officers in March when the Lib Dems were in joint control with the Tories.

He added: "The additional collections cost nearly £20,000 last year and the decision was taken by officers against a background of budget restrictions and their assessment that the issues in the area could have been dealt with through the usual scheduled collection dates."

Deputy Labour leader Tony Page, accusing the Lib Dems of "errant hypocrisy", said: "They should be ashamed of themselves in not having the courage to admit that they were party to the decision in the recent budget. They did not do their homework and this is just another example of their incompetence."

Environment councillor, Paul Gittings, said Labour will be looking into the situation.

Lib Dem leader, Cllr Daisy Benson, who launched the online petition, said on her blog on Monday it was Labour councillors who scrapped the collections.

But when The Chronicle informed Cllr Benson of Mr Mortali's statement, she maintained there is a difference between decisions taken by officers and the savings confirmed by councillors, and insisted it would have been overturned had her party still been power sharing.

She added: "This was never part of our savings plan and was not brought to our attention."

Former Lib Dem environment leader, Cllr Warren Swaine, said the cut was never part of any Coalition plans and demanded Mr Mortali withdraws the council statement.