Reading boss Ruben Selles has cooled fears of administration after rumours had broken in midweek.

Still with overdue tax bills and a monthly fear of being unable to pay wages, owner Dai Yongge is listening to offers to sell the club.

However, reports had broken on Monday evening, from former Reading Chronicle sports editor Anthony Smith, that the club could have been placed into administration but the end of the week.

This would drop the club onto minus points and see mass redundancies across the board as the authorities would take over the day-to-day running of the club until a suitable successor was found.

However, Selles has since refuted this following the Royals' 5-0 win over Swindon Town on Tuesday evening.

"I haven’t had any communication from the club so as far as I know there is no intention," he said. "But it can be that tomorrow is different. As far as I know, there is nothing in the administration right now."

Administration cannot be fully ruled out, however, it is thought that the club see this as a last resort and is not something of immediate concern to those behind the scenes.