A man caught with a knife has been ordered to wear an electronic monitor for over a year.

Adman Zaman, 24, of Chiltern Crescent, Earley, was caught a pocket knife in Woodstock Street, Reading, on January 23.

The cutting edge of the blade was greater than three inches - making its possession in public unlawful.

Zaman appeared before Reading Magistrates' Court on March 7.

There, he was made subject to a community order.

He will be electronically monitored until September 2025, and must observe a curfew between 5pm and midnight.

In addition, he has been ordered to complete up to 25 days of rehabilitation activities, and 100 hours of unpaid work.

Zaman must pay the court £85 in prosecution costs, and a £114 victim surcharge.

The total owed by the defendant to the court is £199.