A convenience store at a shopping precinct in Tilehurst wants to keep on selling alcohol to neighbours.

The Butts Todays Local convenience store serves neighbours at a precinct of shops along The Meadway, near Dee Road and Usk Road.

The precinct Butts Today's Local is situated in also contains a betting shop and a barbers.

The owners of the convenience store have applied to sell alcohol from 8am to 11pm each day.

Bill Donne of Silver Fox Consultants, a licensing representative for the owners, said the owners have had a licence to sell alcohol for those times for the past 10 years. 

However, a 'technical reason' has meant that the licence has lapsed, meaning the owners have to apply for a new licence to sell alcohol. 

A consultation into the licensing application is currently being held by Reading Borough Council.

You can comment on the application by emailing licensing@reading.gov.uk.

The consultation closes on Friday, May 31.