A taxi driver who was caught plying his trade at the Reading Festival without a valid licence has been handed a massive fine.

Muhammed Shahzad, of Regent Street, Reading, is licenced by South Oxfordshire District Council.

This means he can only work as a cab driver in that council's area.

On August 27 last year, officers from Reading Borough Council caught Shahzad trying to pick up customers at the Reading Festival, one of the UK's biggest music events.

He agreed to take undercover council workers to Henley-on-Thames for £50.

Shahzad pleaded guilty to a charge of plying for hire.

On April 19, 2024, magistrates fined the driver £922.

In addition, he must pay £200 in court costs and a £369 victim surcharge - bringing the total amount of fines and costs owed to almost £1,500.