A Woodley primary school has been praised after they were awarded a ‘good’ rating in their latest Ofsted inspection.

Woodley CofE Primary School was assessed by the education watchdog on April 17 and April 18.

Located on Hurricane Way, it caters to 316 pupils aged 5 to 11.

The school was previously rated ‘Good’ during its inspection by the state schools regulator in 2014 and a short inspection in 2018

Whilst speaking to parents about the school, lead inspector Laura James said: “Parents are effusive in their praise for the school. One, summing up the views of others, stated that staff ‘go above and beyond for every child’.

The report outlined how pupils feel about attending Woodley Primary School and what Ofsted inspectors witnessed during their visit.

The report said: “Pupils are proud to belong to this kind and thoughtful school community. They know the importance of the school’s values and live up to them. Pupils feel safe and they know they can share any worries with a trusted adult, who will help them.

“Leaders’ high expectations are evident in pupils’ conduct. Pupils are enthusiastic learners and behave well in school. They are polite and courteous towards each other and to visitors.

“In class, pupils listen carefully and try their best. Older pupils, acting as ‘big brothers and sisters’, are positive role models for their younger peers.”

Alongside academic achievements, Woodley CofE Primary also encourages students to develop their social and personal skills, with deep reflection on what they are learning.

The inspector added: “The school places considerable emphasis on the personal development of its pupils. The ‘BRIGHT’ curriculum teaches pupils important personal and social skills including how to be a good friend and identify risky situations.

“Pupils build a deep spirituality that goes beyond faith. They are encouraged to reflect deeply about their experiences. Character education is very much part of the school’s provision and pupils develop personal attributes such as resilience, self-confidence, self-esteem and empathy.”

Teachers have been highly praised for their work with pupils and their families, with many providing pastoral support to encourage resiliency.

Ofsted however has noted that in some classes teachers are not being provided with the knowledge that they need to allow pupils to develop their learning.

The inspector said: “Where aspects of the curriculum are being refined, teachers are not provided with the same clarity around the knowledge pupils are to learn. This hampers their ability to plan activities that successfully build on pupils’ prior learning.”

Woodley CofE Primary School has stated that as a school they are working to tighten the quality of knowledge mapping in the small number of foundation subjects and are committed to ensuring that every aspect of the school continues to flourish.

Vice Principal, Colin Blakely said: “This achievement is a true reflection of the dedication and hard work of all our staff, the fantastic support of our parents and carers, and the exceptional qualities of our wonderful children.

“We were particularly pleased that the school curriculum was considered to be “well-considered and ambitious with particular strengths in reading and maths. We will continue to work to ensure the school remains at this high standard, and have already started working on our one development area.”