Plans for a new firefighter training centre have been approved.

Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service (RBFRS) has announced that plans to redevelop the Service’s Training Centre in Whitley Wood have been approved by Reading Borough Council.

The facility was originally scheduled to be redeveloped in 2025 but was brought forward following a significant internal flood in 2022, where the damage was beyond economical repair.

The approved plans will see the demolition of the existing Training Centre and an ageing office cabin. These will be replaced by a single two-storey, modular building.

The new building will feature modern construction methods and materials, sustainability features such as Solar Panels and Electric vehicle charging points as well as significant upgrades to support a more diverse workforce.

Speaking on the redevelopment, Mark Arkwell, Deputy Chief Fire Officer said he is "delighted" to see the plans approved.

“The upgrades have been required for several years and this redevelopment is a key feature of our longer-term commitment to modernise our facilities across Berkshire – bringing them up to an appropriate standard for a modern and effective fire and rescue service.”

Work on the new Training Centre is due to begin imminently with completion and opening expected in summer 2025.