As many students head into the gruelling exam season, a school has given a firm but fair warning having seen a surge in phones being taken into exams.

Eddie Falshaw, Acting Head, Leighton Park School, has shared his concern after a rise in prohibited devices in exams.

He said: “It is worrying to see that since 2018, the number of students caught bringing mobile phones and other prohibited devices into exams has almost doubled.

“If found with a phone during an examination and suspected of cheating, the consequences can be serious and far-reaching. Exam results can be nullified, or, in more severe cases, the student could be disqualified from all subjects.

“Schools will likely impose their own disciplinary action such as suspension or expulsion. But further to these immediate consequences, students caught cheating jeopardise their chance of educational opportunities beyond secondary school and could have any scholarships revoked or become ineligible to apply at all."

While many of us can empathise with the stress and anxiety of exam season, cheating is never the answer.

Instead, Mr Falshaw advises students to channel their energy into effective and useful tactics for not only getting through exams but achieving results they’re happy with.

He continued: “The first tip is for students to avoid studying on their beds. The bed should be a place of rest, and studying here could impact a student’s ability to relax come time for sleep. Poor lighting and improper back support are also likely to make students less productive in their studies.  

“Ideally, a clutter-free desk setup with minimal distractions is best for effective study, but any quiet area with plenty of table space can work. Some students may benefit more from visiting a library or agreeing to use the school facilities after hours if the home environment is not conducive to productivity.  

"Procrastination can be the biggest killer to a productive study session, with students often feeling too overwhelmed to begin studying."

To combat procrastination, it is encouraged to warm up with a few five to ten-minute portions or small tasks. Students should also avoid relying on the same techniques and use mind maps, flow tables and the like to engage their minds.

Engaging in conversations with family or fellow students can also help information stick - but it is important for students to not compare themselves to others.

Mr Falshaw concluded: “Parents have a role to play here too by encouraging their children to eat healthily, drink plenty of water and get enough sleep during the exam period. 

"Research has shown healthy habits and good sleep can reduce cortisol levels and help us cope with stressful events.”