NO CHANGES will be made to a ‘dangerous’ junction despite calls for action of safety fears for road users and schoolchildren that use the route in East Reading.

The cross junction of Hamilton Road and Crescent Road has been described as a ‘problem’ with accidents and near misses being regularly reported by neighbours. However, Reading Borough has refuted such issues.

The road much-used route for pupils and families walking to the UTC Reading and Maiden Erlegh secondary schools, and Alfred Sutton Primary School. It is also used by drivers on journeys to and from Wokingham Road and the A329(M).

Fears had been raised locally about the ‘dangers’ of the busy junction, but despite a push for Reading Borough Council to consider improving safety measures, any changes to it have been put on hold.

The news comes after an investigation into safety measures was conducted by council officers, and reported back to the traffic management sub-committee.

At a meeting, James Penman, the council’s network services manager, thanked the community for their suggestions for safety measures, which included the installation of bollards to encourage drivers to slow down.

Reading Chronicle: A design in a request to improve road safety of a junction between Crescent Road and Hamilton Road, which was submitted to Reading Borough Council in 2023A design in a request to improve road safety of a junction between Crescent Road and Hamilton Road, which was submitted to Reading Borough Council in 2023

Mr Penman said: “From an officer point of view there were some really good ideas in the petition and presentation.

“Ultimately, the conclusion is that there isn’t an evidenced road safety issue.”

He added that the council has introduced parking restrictions near the junction and is working to remove speed hump warning signs to reduce ‘clutter’ that could distract drivers and cyclists.

The junction is located near a school street, which closes Crescent Road between Bulmershe Road and Wokingham Road. from 8.15am to 9am and 2.45pm to 3.30pm.

John Ennis, the lead councillor for transport, sympathised with neighbours, but agreed with officers that changes should not be made.

Cllr Ennis, (Labour, Southcote) said: “We do need to leave it open. At this moment in time we’re not making any modifications, but certainly we should keep it as an open mind into how things go.”

Meanwhile, cllr Rob White, leader of the opposition, argued that the junction as it stands is dangerous.

Cllr White (Green, Park) said: “Green councillors support looking at what can be done to reduce traffic across that area to improve the situation.

“I use the junction fairly regularly as I’m too-ing and fro-ing around Park ward.

“That junction is a problem, it’s not a particularly easy-to-use junction, and it is dangerous.

“I have seen cars just run straight through it without any slowing down at all.”

His suggestion for the installation of stop signs at the junction was rebuffed.

Ultimately, the committee agreed to make no changes to the junction, but continue to explore the potential options to address through traffic when funding and resourcing will allow.

The decision was made at a meeting on March 6.