A former Reading printworks has been selected as a potential filming location for the sequel to a popular American apocalyptic thriller.

This news comes as local businesses within the industrial site on Tessa Road received letters from the location manager regarding the filming later this month.

Proposed filming dates have been announced for Thursday, May 23, and Friday, May 24 with preparations beginning as early as Monday, May 13.

According to IMDb The film, Greenland: Migration, a sequel to the 2020 thriller, is expected to star Gerrard Butler and Golden Globe Nominee Roman Griffin Davis.

A letter sent out to businesses in the industrial estate has warned them about traffic control and access to the site during filming.

Film company Anton is currently in conversations with Reading Borough Council and the Berkshire Film Office to confirm plans.

The Berkshire Film Company has said that although they are in discussions regarding the Reading location – nothing has been confirmed.

Greenland 2: Migration, directed by Ric Roman Waugh is an action/adventure movie sequel to Greenland (2020), which will follow a family as they navigate their way through a much-changed world, in the aftermath of a devastating meteor strike.

They will face various climatic and humanitarian challenges, and take audiences on a journey as they attempt to find safety in this changed world.

During filming, Tessa Road is expected to close on Wednesday, May 22 (8 am – 6pm), Thursday, May 23 (7am – 7pm) and Friday, May 24 (8am – 6pm).