A store in Whitley is in trouble with the police who have claimed that operators are involved in the sale of stolen goods.

Thames Valley Police has applied for a licensing review for the Whitley Local store in Basingstoke Road, Reading, with officers claiming that stolen alcohol is sold at the store.

The application, which can be viewed online, states: “Thames Valley Police submit this application for review in order to address the failure of the premises licence holder to promote the licensing objectives via their insufficient measures to ensure due diligence and promote the licensing objectives.

“The wholesale purchasing of stolen goods including alcohol, by the Premises Licence Holder/DPS and staff members at this premises is alarming and steps need to be taken to safe guard the local community.”

The application for review was made by Gary Clarke on behalf of the Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police.

The review could result in the temporary or permanent suspension of the alcohol licence at the premises.

The store is currently open from 7am to 9pm Monday to Saturday, and 8am to 9pm on Sundays.

A public consultation into the review closes on Tuesday, May 28.

You can make a representation by emailing licensing@reading.gov.uk.

The Local Democracy Reporting Service has attempted to contact the store owners for a comment.