Disastrous flooding across Reading and surrounding areas of Berkshire has forced some residents into unimaginable circumstances.

A villager in Purley on Thames was left with no heating or electricity for six days as her metre was completely submerged in water during the height of the flooding.

Jackie Dainton, an Ofsted registered childminder from Chestnut Avenue first noticed the loss of electricity on Saturday, January 6 when the increased levels forced everyone to remain in their homes.

She said: “Whenever we first lost power I called my energy provider immediately and I was told that there was nothing they could do at that time.

“It was so surreal living without hot water or central heating. We were living off a camping stove to heat hot water. Other than that we had no way to heat the house or cook meals.

“We were freezing, and I have severe asthma so I was becoming quite ill through it.”

“By Tuesday, January 9, I contacted Ovo again as the water had subsided and the metre was no longer underwater. After hours on the phone, I was told that I was a high-priority customer and that someone would arrive in 3 hours but they failed to show up.”

Following talks with her local MP, and several calls to Ovo, their power and central heating was reinstated within the property.

The Purley resident added: “It’s been quite an experience and our neighbours have been absolutely amazing through everything.

“One neighbour provided us with meals and we tasted some of the most amazing curries and unusual dishes.

"We are just amazed that the flooding has affected us in such a drastic way. Despite the house being beside the Thames it has never flooded before."

The Chronicle has contacted Ovo energy provider for a comment.