Russell Brand has upset his neighbours by trying to convert his historic pub into offices.

The new plans would also see a recording studio built in the grounds of the Crown pub in Pishill, near Henley on the Bucks/Berkshire border.

But peeved villagers have kicked up a fuss as they fear losing their “popular watering hole”.

The planning dispute comes just months after four women publicly accused the comedian of rape and sexual assault between 2006 and 2013.

Mr Brand, 48, has denied the claims.

Reading Chronicle: Russell Brand bought the Crown in Pishill in 2020 and has never opened itRussell Brand bought the Crown in Pishill in 2020 and has never opened it (Image: Oxford Mail)

The application to convert the pub, which he bought in 2020, was submitted to South Oxfordshire District Council in November.

Around 50 villagers and organisations have objected to the plans during a public consultation by the planning authority.

Jeremy Tweddle from Berrick Salome said: “I have lived in the area since 1989 and have enjoyed many visits to the Crown, which I consider to be an asset to the community and surrounding area.

“In my opinion, it appears that the current owners have bought a public house, made no effort to run is as such and now declare it not viable.”

David Orpwood from Britwell Salome said he was “devastated” that the pub could close.

Mr Brand reportedly met councillors from Pishill with Stonor Parish Council in November to dispel their concerns about his plans.

He promised not to submit any planning application until a public consultation event was held, according to council clerk Pat Pearce.

“This never took place,” Mrs Pearce said in a public comment on behalf of the parish council.

She added: “The applicant has never opened the premises, so they cannot prove that it is not viable.

“It has previously been a thriving public house and restaurant, with the barn being used as a successful wedding and party venue.

“We fail to see why this cannot be achieved again with the correct dedication and commitment.”

Reading Chronicle: Russell Brand has been accused of rape and sexual assault by four womenRussell Brand has been accused of rape and sexual assault by four women (Image: PA)

David Cooper from the South Oxfordshire branch of the Campaign for Real Ale claimed the village would lose an “essential community facility”.

The application to convert the pub has been submitted by Pablo Diablo's Legitimate Business Firm.

The ground and first floor of the seventeenth century building would be changed from a pub into offices under the plans.

A barn beside the main building would be used for “community-based purposes” and “a food/drink outlet” would be created in nearby stables, planning agents JCPC said in a design and access statement.

It added: “The proposals would deliver and maintain significant economic benefits, with the offices utilised in connection with an established digital media production enterprise that provides a range of job opportunities.”

Mr Brand’s representatives have been contacted for comment.

A similar plan was made last year but was withdrawn in November before a decision could be made.