The average person is on their mobile phone for 2 hours and 52 minutes, with screen time only rising - particularly amongst the younger generation.

This is according to data by Data Reportal which found average Brits go on to then spend a further 2 hours and 55 minutes on desktop devices.

We decided to put this data to the test and took to the streets of Slough to find out just how big a role phones play in local people's day-to-day lives.

Daisy Golledge, 21, said her screen time was just 49 minutes a day but said: "It goes up and down".

Meanwhile, Damian Potuszynski, 24, had just dropped his phone off to be repaired.

He said: "I'd say I am on my phone a lot. My eyes hurt."

Another passerby on Slough High Street said they spend about 5 to 6 hours a day on their device, more on a weekend.

Tim Bateman, 66, from Slough, said he only uses his phone to play games, otherwise, he only uses it to communicate with others.

40-year-old Joy Jousan said: "It could be 2 hours, some days 6. I watch social media and live streams."

Kamilla Gnyp, 24, responded saying: "Not at all, I have children."

When Kamilla does use her phone she said it is mainly for FaceBook and WhatsApp for work.

Upon checking her phone her device told her that she had used it for an average time of 2 hours and 2 minutes.

When asked if she believed children spend too much time on their phones, Kamilla said: "Yeah, definitely."

Harereet Kaur, 27 said: "I use my phone for 4 to 5 hours because I work. After work, I will use it for talking with my family.

"I also watch movies and use Instagram."

Hope Nyamfuku, 30, says she spends 14 hours on her phone each day, including time on Instagram and Facebook.

She said the rise in screen time amongst children is partly down to parenting.

"I think it is to do with parents not spending time with their children because they are too tired after work."

Oniel Frater, 43 added: "Kids are like zombies. Tech is good but it has gone just that step too far."

"The whole generation is going to be focused on tech," Blaine Moynihan, 25 said.

"They sit in and play games and chase new tech.

"I prefer talking to people face to face."

How much are our staff on their phones?

Amongst our office we have found our screen times on our personal phones range from 1 hour 50 minutes to 5 hours 39 minutes.

Deputy editor Naomi Herring said: "I think personally it can change quite drastically from week to week.

"Being in front of a screen almost all day while at work, I do make a conscious effort of trying to cut back on screen time when away from the office." 

Meanwhile, James Earnshaw, Sports Reporter, had over 5 hours of screen time.

He said: "I'm not too surprised because when your work involves so much technology, it's obvious that for most of the working day you'll be on it. And this doesn't even include laptop time."