A Reading secondary school has been slammed after the education watchdog found that their pupil's needs were not being met.

John Madejski Academy, located on Hartland Road was inspected on October 10 and October 11.

Although the school received positive feedback regarding its sixth-form provision and leadership and management, the quality of education was considered subpar and in desperate need of improvement.

The report said that this may be due to the recent staffing changes within the school and a lack of knowledge about each pupil's individual needs.

Lead Inspector, Lucy English said: “Pupils know that their learning and progress through the curriculum are being hindered by poor behaviour. Lessons are characterised by pupils showing a lack of respect to staff and to each other.

“Recent staffing changes have added to this situation; the many new staff do not know pupils’ needs well enough. They do not adapt learning activities to meet these needs. Pupils, especially pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), do not learn well enough.”

Despite strengths within the sixth form provision, the report outlined that pupils in years 7 to 11 experience a 'fragmented curriculum overall with lessons that lack ambition'.

With a large proportion of new staff present, inspectors found that positive working relationships had yet to be built with pupils resulting in pupils not achieving as well as they should.

Despite the work that the school has yet to accomplish to improve standards, Ofsted said: “The actions already in place demonstrate their ambition and capacity to secure the required improvements.

“Support from the trust is well considered and comprehensive. Staff welcome the additional training and resources. They recognise the expertise and determination of the new leadership team and understand the reasons for the changes they are making.”

A spokesperson for JMA said: “Our new principal and leadership team have already started making significant improvements at JMA and while we are disappointed with the overall judgement, we are encouraged by Ofsted’s clear recognition that the actions we have taken demonstrate our ambition and capacity to make the improvements needed.

 “Our leadership and management as well as our sixth form provision have been rated ‘Good’ and we are confident that substantial progress will be achieved across the whole school this academic year due to our comprehensive improvement plan.

 “Lasting and meaningful change takes time and everyone at JMA and The White Horse Federation is absolutely committed to raising standards and supporting JMA to be one of the best schools in Reading.”