The following cases were heard at Reading or Slough Magistrates’ Courts


May 26

JOHN GIBBONS, 37, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to driving while disqualified in Newbury on October 26 last year as well as driving without third-party insurance. He was disqualified from driving for 20 months and fined £2,000. There were also court costs of £500.

PHIL PLAISTED, 23, of Ragstone Road, Slough, pleaded guilty to three counts of racially/religiously aggravated intention harassment on April 13, February 8, and March 31 this year in Slough. He also pleaded guilty to assaulting a police constable on April 13 this year by beating and on the same day assaulting another police constable by beating. He was given a community order to complete 30 days of rehabilitation activity and 150 hours of unpaid work. There was also a victim surcharge of £114.

BEN CHESTERMAN, 35, of Northumberland Avenue, Reading, indicated guilty to possession of a police baton and a knuckle duster in Gosbrook Road, Reading on April 15. He was given a community order to complete 100 hours of unpaid work and a forfeiture and destruction order was made for both weapons. There were also court costs of £85.

CHARLIE GOLDSWORTHY, 43, of Arnett Avenue, Fichamstead, pleaded guilty to possession of a lock knife in Wokingham which exceeding 7.62cm on March 13 last year. He was jailed for three months, suspended for 12 months. He must also complete 300 hours of unpaid work and a forfeiture and destruction order was made for the knife. He was also ordered to pay £135 in court costs and a victim surcharge of £154.

ARRON LENNON, 41, of Grange Road, Cookham, pleaded guilty to drink driving in Maidenhead on April 30 this year with 70 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. He was disqualified from driving for 18 months, reduced by 18 weeks, and fined £350. There were also court costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £140.

KAYLEIGH REYNOLDS, 25, of Chaffinch Garden, Bracknell, pleaded guilty to drink driving on May 4 with 139 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath as well as driving without a licence. She was disqualified from driving for 30 months, reduced by 30 weeks, and ordered to complete 180 hours of unpaid work.

STUART MILLSON, 43, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to drink driving in Mortimer on May 5 this year with 66 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. He was disqualified from driving for 18 months, reduced by 18 weeks, and fined £600. There were also court costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £240.

JASON TAPHOUSE, 53, of Beecham Road, Reading, pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly in Broad Street, Reading on May 5. He was given a period of conditional discharge for 12 months. There was no order for costs.

DEAN AYLOTT, 35, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to using threatening or abusive words within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment on San Francisco Libre Walk, Reading on May 5 this year. He was given a period of conditional discharge for six months. There was no order for costs.


A fundamental principle of justice is that it must be seen to be done. Open justice is acclaimed on a number of grounds: as a safeguard against judicial error, to assist the deterrent function of criminal trials and to permit the revelation of matters of interest