People living in Reading are being invited to drop-in sessions to view the council’s huge plans for changes to the road network.

The Borough Council is currently holding a consultation on its draft Reading Transport Strategy 2040.

The strategy will determine how getting about in the town could change in the next 17 years whether you are driving, cycling, walking or on the bus.

The council has ruled out an ultra low emission zone (ULEZ) in Reading, but is hoping to reduce carbon emissions from vehicles to reach its net zero emission goals.

READ MORE: Ultra Low Emission Zone ruled out in Reading

That involves improving routes for pedestrians, cyclists and bus passengers to encourage people away from regular car use where possible.

Among the proposals include reducing traffic lanes in London Road from three to two, with the council seeking to introduce segregated cycle lanes on the carriageway at either end of the road.

Sketched designs also show changes to provide crossing points for cyclists at Cemetery Junction as well.

Reading Chronicle: A concept image for changes to London Road in Reading between its junctions with Cemetery Junction and Donnington Road. Credit: Reading Borough CouncilA concept image for changes to London Road in Reading between its junctions with Cemetery Junction and Donnington Road. Credit: Reading Borough Council

The council is also looking into making changes to Oxford Road to improve travel for cyclists and buses, and possibly re-routing freight deliveries down different roads to ease congestion.

But sketched proposals for how this can be achieved have not been revealed yet.

Those are just a few of the changes that could be implemented.

The council is holding drop-in sessions where members of the public can view the proposals:

  • Tuesday, November 14 – Battle Library, Oxford Road – 1pm to 7pm
  • Wednesday, November 15 – Reading Town Hall, Blagrave Street – 1pm to 6pm
  • Thursday, November 16 – Caversham Library, Church Street – 1pm to 7pm
  • Tuesday, November 21 – Whitley Library, Northumberland Avenue – 1-7pm
  • Thursday, November 23 – Palmer Park Library, St Bartholomew’s Road – 1-4pm

John Ennis (Labour, Southcote) lead councillor for climate strategy and transport said: “Travel and transport are subjects which affect everyone in Reading and we want to hear comments from as many people as possible about our vision for improving the way we get around the borough in the coming years.

“Our draft Reading Transport Strategy contains some ambitious goals to reduce congestion, increase bus use, improve walking and cycling facilities and tackle poor air quality.

“The drop-in sessions will give residents in all parts of the borough a chance to talk to members of the Council’s transport team, find out more about our transport strategy and to have their say.”

Ambitions in the strategy include doubling the number of bus journeys in Reading in 2040 to 28 million, and rail journeys to 20 million, as well as increasing the number of people using park-and-ride to a million.

You can view the strategy proposals and make comments by filling in a survey on the Consult Reading website.

You can also email questions to

The deadline for responses is Monday, December 11.