More than a dozen pupils in Reading were permanently excluded from their schools in one year, including one incident prompting six students to be removed.

Figures for school exclusions for pupils in Reading have been revealed in a presentation to councillors for September 2022 to July 2023.

The numbers are split into Reading pupils taught in schools in the borough and those taught outside of the borough.

A total of 23 pupils were permanently excluded from school over the 2022/23 academic year. Of those, 22 were excluded from schools in Reading, which is one pupil less than the 23 pupils excluded the year before in 2021/22.

Six pupils were excluded in March this year due to one significant incident at a school that involved multiple pupils.

Compared to the previous academic year 2021/22, the number of permanent exclusions went up by two, while exclusions of Reading pupils taught outside of the borough went up by three.

Throughout the year, 12 exclusions were rescinded, including seven exclusions for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

The figures show a trend staying level according to data compiled from government statistics.

The government statistics only counted the numbers of pupils excluded from schools in Reading Borough, therefore removing numbers from pupils who were excluded outside the borough.

Five years ago, 16 pupils were permanently excluded from schools in Reading for the 2018/19 academic year, compared to the 11 excluded in the last academic year.

Unsurprisingly, permanent exclusions dropped considerably to three for the 2020/21 academic year, the year of the coronavirus pandemic, when schools were closed from January to March 2021 due to lockdown measures.

The monthly figures for the permanent exclusions for 2021/22 and 2022/23 were compiled by the children’s services company Brighter Futures for Children (BFfC) and presented in a report to Reading Borough Council’s adult social care, children’s services and education committee.

Councillor Jan Gavin (Labour, Caversham), who had served as a teacher for over 20 years, said: “Any child not in school is a small tragedy, for that child and for their families.

“It further marginalises vulnerable children without actually solving the root causes of why a school felt that they could no longer cope with the child.

“Reading’s team and schools are clearly having some success, our suspensions are below the national average, which is good, and it’s good to see that the rate of permanent exclusions is falling although there was one extra one last year, but they are small numbers so we need to be careful about worrying about ‘one up, one down’.”

Cllr Doug Creswell (Green, Katesgrove) asked what education is provided to children who have been excluded.

Fiona Hostler. BFfC head of education access and support said that information is available and that she would be happy to provide a report if needed.

The figures were revealed at the meeting on Wednesday, October 18.