A NEW school playground clock has been installed as a tribute to a head teacher who took her own life after an ‘inadequate’ Ofsted report.

Ruth Perry, 53, died in January after being told Caversham Primary School in Reading was being downgraded from outstanding to inadequate.

It was later upgraded to good after a re-inspection in June.

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A memorial clock, organised by the school’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA), has now been unveiled in the school colours, overlooking the playground.

The Ofsted inspection - the school's first in 13 years - took place on November 15 and 16 last year with Ms Perry allegedly telling her sister it was ‘the worst day of her life’, describing the experience as ‘dreadful’. 

Her death sparked a national debate about concerns with Ofsted reports and the lack of support provided to staff throughout inspections.

An inquest into Ms Perry’s death is due to take place at the end of November/beginning of December, however the coroner has warned that she will not be ‘investigating the inner workings of Ofsted’.

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Senior coroner Heidi Connor said it would be 'difficult' and 'unfair' to investigate that side of the evidence 'without going into and investigating Ofsted and the decisions they made' at a hearing in July.