Several neighbours who pitched in to save a dying three-legged cat have said that they are distraught after he passed away yesterday (25/7).

Micky, a stray cat who frequented Westbrook Road, was known to locals as a friendly character on the street.

After being abandoned by his owner who left the area, the black and white feline was known to call on surrounding houses for food and company over the years.

When homeowners began to notice that he required medical attention due to a lump in his eye, they all banded together for initial and follow up costs for tests and treatment.

Following nearly £1000 worth of tests - including £500 from Cats Protection - vets found that what was thought to be a cyst turned out to be a tumour in his eye.

Maggie Bennelick, a resident on the street, said that residents are quite sad that they will not see the cheerful character on their doorstep everyday.

She said: “We’ve all looked after him for around eight years and he’s really become a part of the community.

“Even though he was a stray, he’s always friendly and incredible cute. He’s been a character on the street for so many years it will be strange not seeing him around.

“It’s really sad but in the end there was no choice but to put him down because of the cancer.

"We'll all miss Micky."