THE car park at a popular cinema in Winnersh was transformed into an ice-rink last night as temperatures dropped to record lows.

Cordons could be seen blocking off certain areas that had been affected by the freezing temperatures and recent flooding from the River Lodden from around 6pm last night (18/1).

Although the car park was still open to cinema-goers, drivers were warned to stay clear of the areas where ice had formed due to the gathered water.

A member of staff from Showcase Cinema told the Chronicle this morning: “Most of the water that was in the car park has receded as temperatures have risen.

“Some areas are still blocked off until all the ice thaws and the water disappears.

“However because of the temperatures, there are still parts of the car park that are frozen which hopefully will be open soon.”

The Showcase Cinema De Lux has suffered over the past few weeks with flooding due to the overspill from the River Loddon which is located nearby.