The Liberal Democrats in Reading are campaigning on an ambitious plan that could save Reading households nearly £2000 as energy bills soar.

Activists from the party in Reading are calling on the government to cancel an energy price cap increase coming in October.

Prices for electricity and gas by Government regulator Ofgem, which reviews how much people and businesses should pay for energy supply twice every year.

It is understood that Ofgem is expected to increase the price cap by 70 per cent in October.

The Liberal Democrats are proposing to cancel the review scheduled for October, in what they call a ‘Energy Bill Furlough’.

They predict cancelling the review would save a typical household in Reading an extra £1,924.99 a year.

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According to Liberal Democrat calculations, a total of £124 million (£124,620,497) would be saved in Reading if the price cap increase is ‘furloughed’.

Councillor Meri O’Connell, Reading Liberal Democrat leader and representative for Tilehurst said: “Hard-working households in Reading are already struggling to make ends meet and residents are deeply concerned about how they will cope with the predicted rise in energy bills.

“This Conservative Government, with its absence of any form of leadership, is sitting back in the face of a national emergency and, yet again, is not doing enough to put money back in the pockets of ordinary people.

“Countless individuals, families and pensioners across Reading are genuinely frightened about how they are going to pay their bills – we cannot wait for a new Conservative leader to act.

“Our proposal for an energy bill furlough would immediately take some of the pressure off households.

“This is an emergency, and this shambolic Government must step in now by cancelling the planned rise in energy bills this October.”

READ MORE: Martin Lewis issues apology for foul-mouthed rant over Ofgem energy cap changes

Cllr O’Connell and the Liberal Democrats have suggested that the Government should pay the shortfall of cancelling the price cap increase to energy suppliers so they can can afford to supply customers at the current rates.

Additionally, they have proposed doubling the Warm Homes Discount from £140 to £300 and extending it to everyone on Universal Credit and Pension Credit, while investing in insulating fuel-poor homes to bring prices down in the long term.

Currently, the Warm Homes Discount is granted to those with ‘Guaranteed Credit’ of Pension Credit, and if you’re on a low income and meet your energy suppliers criteria for the scheme.

Ofgem does provide assistance for those struggling with energy bills, which involves directing people to schemes, grants and benefits, and adapting payment plans.

The alleged 70 per cent pay cap increase has not been enacted yet.