HERE are the Berkshire residents who have been sentenced for making indecent images of children in the past six months.

Andrew Loring

A Twyford man has been spared jail after downloading almost 5,000 child porn images.

Andrew Loring, of Hurst Road, Twyford, was convicted of three counts of making indecent images of a child between July 2017 and November 2019.

According to a court file, the 45-year-old downloaded:

  • 971 Category A images (the most severe)
  • 999 Category B images
  • 2,623 Category C images

Appearing at Reading Crown Court on May 26, the Scouts leader and Twyford church member was handed a 12-month prison sentence suspended for 24 months.

Loring must sign on to the sex offenders’ register for ten years.

Gordon Waterson

A music teacher at a Wokingham private school has been spared jail despite “using every spare hour” to download more than 10,000 indecent images of children.

Gordon Waterson, who now lives on Clinton Road in Edinburgh, also distributed images of young boys being abused in order to join smutty group chats where ‘like-minded people’ would discuss child porn.

The 33-year-old taught as the Director of Music at Ludgrove School, an independent boarding school for boys aged 8-13 in Wokingham where parents pay £9,775 per term.

He was suspended by his employers in July 2020 after it emerged Waterson had been downloading indecent images -- including material featuring boys aged between two and ten-years-old -- since 2015.

Waterson was spared jail after he was handed a two-year prison sentence suspended for two years.

He will have to take part in 180 hours of unpaid work and rehabilitation activities as part of his sentence.

Joseph Turner

A Reading man has been jailed after he paid to watch adults performing sex acts on children halfway around the world.

Joseph Turner, of Tilehurst Road, Reading, was locked up after he paid more than £1,000 to watch live child abuse taking place under his direction in the Philippines.

The 54-year-old also admitted to downloading almost 1,000 indecent images of children between 2009 and 2019.

123 of the images were ‘category A’ images -- the most explicit types of photographs.

They featured children as young as four-years-old being sexually abused by adult males.

Police arrested Turner in September 2019 after being made aware of suspicious online activity from his address.

Turner was sentenced to three years and four months in prison at Reading Crown Court on Wednesday, March 16.

Michael Atkinson

A former civil servant whose work involved tackling criminals has been spared jail after he was caught with animal and child porn.

Michael Atkinson, of Horton Road, Slough, had more than 500 extreme, prohibited and indecent images on his personal devices which he downloaded between 2004 and 2019.

The 63-year-old’s stash, who Reading Crown Court heard worked as a financial investigator working for HMRC, included:

  • 31 ‘category A’ indecent images of children (the most ‘grave’ kind of indecent image, according to the judge)
  • 39 ‘category B’ indecent images of children
  • 326 ‘category C’ indecent images of children
  • 132 ‘extreme’ pornographic images involving animals
  • 38 ‘prohibited’ computer-generated indecent images of children

The court heard that the animal porn images featured women performing sex acts with horses and dogs.

A judge suspended Atkinson’s eight-month prison sentence at Reading Crown Court on Thursday, March 31.

Mark Deadfield

A self-confessed paedophile who was banned from owning pictures of children hid his photos of youngsters on a laptop which he kept in a safe designed to look like a book.

Mark Deadfield, of Heroes Walk, Reading, was handed the ban after downloading indecent images of children and inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity in March 2012.

But in 2018 devices belonging to the 53-year-old came to the attention of police.

Officers discovered 13 category A indecent images of children and 11 category C indecent images of children on this device.

They also found photos of children -- that were not indecent -- that Deadfield had taken himself.

Deadfield was sentenced to 16 months in prison for two counts of possessing indecent images, one count of breaching a SOPO and one count of failing to comply with the sex offenders register.