HUNDREDS gathered to pay their respects today (November 11) at Woodley Town Council’s Armistice Day event.

Woodley Town Council hosted the annual event to honour and remember those who have fallen, been injured and all who have served in conflicts and wars.

It is organised with the Winnersh & District Royal British Legion.

Winnersh & District Royal British Legion president Trevor Knights read the Exhortation to the Fallen prior to the Last Post and two minutes silence, followed by the Kohima Epitaph after the Reveille.

Reading Chronicle:

Wokingham Borough Council mayor and Woodley Town Council leader Keith Baker was the first to lay a wreath at the War Memorial in Woodford Park.

Woodley mayor Janet Sartorel followed in laying a wreath, as too did Reading East MP Matt Rodda, Trevor Knights, and Rosemary Edington from the Women’s Section of the Winnersh & District Royal British Legion.

Members of the Reservists, Thames Valley Police, Woodley Girl Guides, the Conservatives, the Liberal Democrats, the Woodley schools, Woodley War Memorial Group, The Rotary Club of Loddon Vale, Woodley Women’s Club, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Woodley Ward), Woodley United FC and Woodley Covid Group also laid wreaths.

Councillor Sartorel gave an emotive speech, she said: "As we stand here in peace and safety, I would like to thank you for joining Woodley Town Council and the Winnersh and District Royal British Legion to pay our respects and remember all of those who have fallen; all of the wounded; and all who have served in conflicts and wars.

"Armistice Day is the day we all remember the brave who have served and continue to serve our country during times of war, conflict and peace. We remember those who volunteered, sacrificed, served, fought and died for our freedom.

"I am honoured to represent the residents of Woodley today and I wear my poppy with pride as a symbol of remembrance and hope for a positive future and peaceful world. Thank you.”

Reading Chronicle:

Councillor Keith Baker added: "I have lived in Woodley for over 27 years and it was an honour to attend as a proud resident, Woodley Town Council leader and, for the first time, Wokingham Borough mayor.”

The event was concluded by Trevor Knights, who also thanked everyone for attending and announced that 2021 marks 100 years since the nation’s collective remembrance traditions were first brought together.