The Reading Chronicle is reaching more and more people despite the challenges of the pandemic thanks to our unsung heroes - newsagents.

These independent businesses have stayed open throughout lockdown to provide communities with the information they need.

Their efforts mean our award-winning paper continues to be picked up by thousands of residents, so throughout this week we will be shining the spotlight on them.

READ MORE: Reading Chronicle competition: Win Apple iPad or £100 M&S vouchers

Today’s Express and Today’s Local are two of the brilliant convenience stores which helped ensure residents received their weekly paper during the pandemic - alongside our special free newspaper delivery service for shielding residents.

ALSO READ: Not wearing mask to KFC cost Reading man £2,000

Why not pick up a copy of this week's jam-packed edition of the Reading Chronicle from them featuring your chance to win one of our seven prizes.

x1 iPad 256Gb

x1 Nintendo Switch

x1 £150 Halford vouchers

x2 £100 Argos vouchers

x2 £100 Marks and Spencer vouchers

To enter, flick to page 28 – we wish you the best of luck!

Pick up your copy of this week's Reading Chronicle from Today’s Express in Duke St, RG1 4SA, or Today’s Local in Christchurch Road, RG2 7AZ.