A LITTLE girl got the best surprise when her two favourite Disney characters performed a scene outside her front door.

The family from Godalming, Surrey hired Eloise Smith who plays Elsa and her sister Natalya (Anna) from Camberley to make their girl smile after her birthday party was cancelled due to coronavirus.

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The pair have performed for birthday's in Bracknell but yesterday made special efforts to surprise the family's daughter.

Eloise explained how their party business Lockdown Magic actually started because they were out of work due to Covid-19.

Their next-door neighbour had to cancel their four-year-old's birthday so Eloise and Natalya decided to order two Frozen costumes and put on a performance.

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She said: "My sister and I usually work within the performing arts industry. We’ve worked on the West End, TV, Film etc so we certainly weren’t too shy about putting something together for her.

"We just ordered some costumes from Amazon (which we actually had full intentions of sending back afterwards) and put together a little routine as a special little celebration. Within an hour or so of the video being online we suddenly had a tun of parents asking for the same thing - and that’s when we put the business together. We figured with our background, it would be something we could definitely do, it helps bring a bit of magic to some kiddies days and also keeps us afloat while we’re out of work."

Since then, they have been doing performances every other day and it really is rewarding for them.

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Eloise added: "We imagined at best we’d be in costume maybe twice a week, and the bookings have become so successful we’re now in costume every other day - I’ve actually forgotten what my real clothes feel like.

"We’ve been so incredibly lucky to have performed in some amazing places during our careers so far, but yesterday we genuinely said to each other, performing this for families during such a challenging time is without a doubt a career highlight for us! Neighbours come out from the house to watch, people are driving by stopping their cars - it’s really special and we’re so ridiculously grateful to be given the chance to spread a little light."

Visit: https://www.facebook.com/LockdownMagicAtHome/ for more information and bookings.