STUDENTS at Kennet School in Thatcham rolled up their sleeves and got hands on at a careers day recently.

The youngsters had a go at kitchen design, planning electrical circuits and plotting plumbing routes with trades’ experts from Sovereign Housing Association.

Year 9 pupils were guided through the exercises by Sovereign area property managers Craig Baker and Andy Deery, as well as apprentice plumber Chloe Sayer.

Aaron Geater and Joshua Davies both found the session fun and engaging.

Joshua said: "The session has given us a good understanding of an electrical career as a possible choice."

Aaron added: "I think an electrical career would also be a good life skill."

Rachel Peters, Sovereign communities officer, said: "We want to help build aspirational communities and support our residents to achieve their goals, and we know that schools and colleges already play a key part in this.

"We currently work with 19 schools to boost what they already do or support new initiatives to benefit the school community.

"Bringing real hands-on experience like today means that students can ask questions of the experts and really get a flavour of what working for Sovereign means."

Another Kennet student, Jamee-Leigh, recently took part in work experience with Sovereign, heading out on the road to learn how maintenance teams keep homes up and running.

Gemma Piper, executive headteacher, said: "Having local and national employers in school for our pupils to hear from and interact with is an essential part of our careers strategy, which relies on the fantastic support from the likes of Sovereign who put on an interactive and inspirational session.

"Our pupils benefited in so many ways.

"For some they have found their goal - to secure an apprenticeship and future at Sovereign."