WORLD champion diver Tom Daley inspired Reading residents in his first-ever visit to the town.

The medal winner gave excited fans the chance to meet him in person at his latest book signing in Waterstones on Broad Street.

He was in typically exuberant mood as he signed books for fans and cheerfully answered their questions with the same enthusiasm that he has become known for.

Daley’s new book, which was published on August 23, aims to help people improve their everyday lives by setting ‘daily goals’.

'Tom’s daily goals: never feel hungry or tired again' features a set of seven key areas that effect our wellbeing and a series of guides on how to improve them every day.

The 10m platform world champion says that he wants to give back to the public and inspire others by offering some of the valuable things he learnt from his life experiences and healthy lifestyle.

Talking before his book signing on Tuesday, Daley said: “I wanted to pass it on to everybody else so that they can feel good each and every day, not just physically but mentally as well.”

Before Daley won the 10m platform gold medal at the 2017 World Championships, Burghfield native Chris Mears took Olympic gold for synchronised diving at Rio 2016.

Daley said: “I think Chris has moved back to Reading now; he’s been training at Southampton and then he moved to Leeds, but I think he’s moved back to Reading now which is nice.

“Chris is an awesome guy and this is my first time in Reading actually, I would have let him know that I was coming if I was here for any longer than I actually am.”

Reading has seen the closure of two of its main swimming pools in the last two years and Daley stressed the importance of quality facilities in getting young people into sports.

Daley said: “Facilities are so important, because without facilities the young people in this area will never get a chance to try swimming, diving or whatever it may be.

“That’s not just swimming and diving pools that goes for all sports facilities, the more facilities there are, the more outreach there is and the more people can give it a go.”