The EFA looks at the sites available on a commercial basis, looking carefully at value for money, and therefore does not involve local politicians or residents – which is understandable in a commercial negotiation and purchase. The planning process, which is a quasi-judicial process, is the opportunity for residents to have their say.

I have been contacted by residents with concerns about this proposed location for the school, although no planning application has yet been submitted – so at this stage there is nothing available for anyone to review. I am also aware there are parents in the Caversham Heights area who are very worried by the lack of places in local primary schools and there is a need for another primary school in the north-west part of my constituency. Many parents have raised this issue with me on the doorstep in recent years. This shortage of local places is why a group of parents has worked hard to win a free school bid to open The Heights School and provide much needed reception and Year 1 places.

I am told the Education Funding Agency looked at over 40 sites and found that High Ridge was the only suitable location for the school. I have not yet been informed of their reasons for this decision. I hope to have access to all the information over the next few weeks.

Solving this problem is not going to be easy as everyone involved has different needs and opinions but I believe we must work for consensus. We need a new school (and the Heights promises to be a very good one) as the large majority of residents acknowledge and I understand the council’s projections demonstrate that we will need almost 1,000 extra primary places in Reading over the next five years.

Any location for a new school in the Caversham Heights area will cause some residents to raise objections of one sort or another. We must also consider the issue of cost to the taxpayer and value for money, as no blank cheques can be written in the current economic environment, but we must find a workable solution for all involved and try to 'square the circle’. This process of balancing local peoples’ concerns with the needs of parents and children is ongoing and I ask for everybody’s forbearance and goodwill while we work out a solution acceptable to all groups involved.