I urge readers to pay attention to a letter from World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), which will be landing on their doormats in the next few days.

WCRF has a vital message that can help us all reduce our cancer risk. Following my own breast cancer diagnosis 12 years ago, WCRF gave me the information I needed to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Scientists estimate that about a third of the most common cancers could be prevented by following a healthy diet, being physically active and maintaining a healthy weight. The guidance WCRF give is something I am able to pass on to my daughter Lisa and granddaughter Siena to help reduce the risk of cancer in their futures. Please support World Cancer Research Fund. You can visit their website at www.wcrf-uk.org or call 020 7343 4205.

Maureen Sommerville

WCRF UK supporter

c/o 22 Bedford Square

London WC1B 3HH