Devised by local musicians/writers Andy Milburn and Nia Williams, this piece provided The Sainsbury Singers the opportunity to be only the second adult society to stage this new original production. The plot concerned two single (and lonely) people who, unknown to each other, reside in the same block of flats and decide to sign up to an online dating agency. After a series of unsuitable introductions, the couple eventually meet and prove that dating in this modern manner can end successfully!

Sam (Hannah Wyard) and Joe (Sean Faulkner) finally find romance thanks to the scheming of their landlady Glenda Makepiece (a delightful characterisation by Tricia Goodchild) and their respective friends Cath (Natalie Rouse) and hippy Dudley (Matt Smith). Whilst these five characters shared much of the action, there were many opportunities for the members of the talented cast to step from the chorus into an assortment of cameo roles, especially Squiggles (Jackie Stoffels), Heathwood (Rob Latimer), the Office Girls trio (Lorraine Cox, Emma Prince and Emma Reeves) and the harassed Maitre D' (Brian Bretney). All the chorus numbers were attacked with considerable verve and it was a shame that the musical accompaniment occasionally overpowered both chorus and soloists.