‘DANGER’ fears have been raised by elderly neighbours over plans to build 10 homes near their retirement estate in Caversham.

Recently, a plan was submitted to build nine new homes on garden space accessed from Lyefield Court, a private road for retirees.

Also, Brindles, a large existing home would be downsized through demolition works, making 10 homes on the site overall.

Reading Chronicle: Brindles, an existing home in Lyefield Court, Emmer Green, which could be downsized as part of a redevelopment, with nine more new homes added to the site. Credit: James Aldridge, Local Democracy Reporting ServiceBrindles, an existing home in Lyefield Court, Emmer Green, which could be downsized as part of a redevelopment, with nine more new homes added to the site. Credit: James Aldridge, Local Democracy Reporting Service

But neighbours in the Lyefield Court & Conifers retirement homes have argued that the road is too narrow for the amount of new homes proposed, and will lead to the loss of privacy and green space.

Although plans for two new homes were approved in 2008 and 2023 respectively, a developer is now pushing for nine new homes to be built on the site.

Reading Chronicle: The approved site plan for two homes and Brindles off Lyefield Court in Emmer Green. Credit: Woolf BondThe approved site plan for two homes and Brindles off Lyefield Court in Emmer Green. Credit: Woolf Bond

Tina Barnes, 77, from The Conifers said: “Once they are built, of course, you’ve got all the traffic the residents of the 10 dwellings, and that could be 37 pedestrians and 22 cars and 20 bikes.

“Put all of that together it’s an increase of 350 per cent over the original application.”

John Manners, 89, also from The Conifers, said: “The front end coming off Kidmore End Road is too damned narrow. You can get a truck down there but not even a bicycle. That’s the first half.

Reading Chronicle: The narrow entrance and exit into Lyefield Court, Emmer Green, which neighbours claim would be dangerous with a higher amount of traffic. Credit: James Aldridge, Local Democracy Reporting ServiceThe narrow entrance and exit into Lyefield Court, Emmer Green, which neighbours claim would be dangerous with a higher amount of traffic. Credit: James Aldridge, Local Democracy Reporting Service

“The second half is that there’s not a footpath. We use the road as a footpath to get out, where are they going to go if you start doubling up the traffic?

“Safety is not being considered in any way.”

June Gabriel 89, from Lyefield Court, added: “It needs a new entrance road. It’s a difficulty for ambulances and doctors to be able to get up quickly and that’s of prime importance if someone is having a medical emergency or a heart attack. ”

Access to the development would be from Lyefield Court, a road that residents pay Cognatum Estates to maintain.

Reading Chronicle: The site layout for the plan for nine homes off Lyefield Court and Kidmore End Road in Emmer Green. Credit: ArktecThe site layout for the plan for nine homes off Lyefield Court and Kidmore End Road in Emmer Green. Credit: Arktec

Some of the objectors have suggested that access should be created from the nearby 223 home Emmer Green Drive development instead.

Mrs Barnes has argued that she faces losing privacy, and claimed that the developer engaged in tree felling before plans have been approved.

She said: “There’s a loss of privacy and amenity that we thought we were buying into.

“As it is at the moment, we have a lovely green space, with a habitat for wildlife birds and we don’t need view screening.

“Even when there are two houses there, it will be a green lung for the community, in between that huge development [Emmer Green Drive] and us.

“That’s what we’re fighting for here.”

Reading Chronicle: The view from the home of Tina Barnes at The Conifers in Lyefield Court, Emmer Green, where nine new homes could be built. She said the new homes will lead to a loss of screening, and accused developers of felling trees. Credit: LDRSThe view from the home of Tina Barnes at The Conifers in Lyefield Court, Emmer Green, where nine new homes could be built. She said the new homes will lead to a loss of screening, and accused developers of felling trees. Credit: LDRS

In defence of the project, a planning agent from Arktec wrote: “The site consists of a generous plot with ample space for the proposed dwellings that would have no adverse impact on its neighbours.

“When viewed from all viewpoints, the proposed dwellings appear a logical form of development that respects and follows the existing building pattern and character of the local area, therefore it is considered that the new homes would make a positive contribution to the character of this desirable residential area, having a high architectural quality and a traditional design which reflects local character in terms of scale, density, layout and access.”

A public consultation on the project will end on Monday, May 20.

You can view the application by typing reference 240403 into the council’s planning portal.